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Stalin’s Sink



1 book
68 pages
14.8 x 23.0 cm

Ages 15 and up



2016. A road trip in the farthest corner of Siberia, where the cruel Gulag labour camps existed under Stalin’s regime. Grim secrets are revealed along the way, and a game of truth or dare has fatal consequences when Greg, a man who has everything, goes on a terrifying photo safari with local guide Boris.


Craig Frank

Born in 1961, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Moved to Denmark in the late ’80s. Graduated with a BFA and has worked in animation. Has directed several animated films (JOURNEY to SATURN) and has created several graphic novels. JFK Secret OPS and COOL VALLEY.


Aksel Studsgarth

Originally trained as an industrial designer but fell in love with animation and the film industry. Over the years, he’s worked for Amblimation, Dreamworks and LEGO as well as co-founding the successful visual effects c. Ghost VFX. He’s written several short stories and TO THE BONE and GRÁR are his first published comics.



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