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Anne’s Seizures



1 book, 64 pages in colour
19.0 x 27.0 cm
Published in Danish
Ages 10 and up.

  • Contact for Foreign Rights: Lene H.S. Toscano (Chief Medical Officer, Center for Functional Disorders Medical at Vejle Hospital, Denmark)
  • Reading sample: PDF in English



Functional seizures affect every year 50 to 150 children and adolescents in Denmark. One in ten people examined for epilepsy is found to have functional seizures. This book explains in a new way to children and adolescents about functional seizures and how to deal with them.


Lene H.S. ToscanoLene H.S. Toscano

Lene H. S. Toscano is a Danish medical doctor and leader of the Center for Functional Disorders and Psychosomatics at Vejle Hospital in Denmark. She is also an author and journalist who has dedicated the last 15 years to teaching and being a mediator of knowledge about functional disorders. Anne’s Seizures is her most recent publication.

Erik PetriErik Petri

Erik Petri is a well-known danish Illustrator with roots in cartooning and has a great fondness for complex subjects, that can be challenging to translate visually. On this project, he has worked closely with the author and a group of psychiatrists from the Aarhus and Aalborg hospital, who are the expert panel in this particular illness case story. The comic book has been tested on children who suffer from seizures. He found this very insightful so that he could be sure that he was faithful to their experience. When he is not visualizing other people’s stories, he works on a larger comic opus about a symbolist painter, which he both draws and writes.



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