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Lina Rosé Saxtorph

  • Anepantla


    2 books
    1 more planned
    50 pages
    21.0 x 30.0 cm

    Ages 9 and up



    Anepantla is an expressive historical fiction drama that takes place during the height of the Aztec Empire. We follow the young court musician, Atl, as she discovers the secrets of the mystical Rain God whom she feels inexplicably drawn to.


    Lina Rosé Saxtorph

    I’m a self-taught artist and illustrator from Copenhagen who debuted in 2021 with part one of my comic series: Anepantla. While working on this, I trained in Edinburgh for a degree in musical theatre. In 2018 I had my art exhibited for the first time, which officially marked the start of my professional art career. My comic and visual art are driven by my interest in Mesoamerican history and culture, and I find I tend to express this rich history best through watercolour.




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