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History of the Runes



1 book
40 pages
17.0 x 25.0 (hardcover)
Published in Danish
Ages 9 and up.



A comic book which follows the runes from their creation and up to today, told by historical and mythological characters like the god Odin and Queen Thyra of Denmark. Their history has never before been told in comic book format.

Published in March 2022 – 3rd printing ordered.


Niels Roland Danish Comics Foreign RightsNiels Roland

Debut in 1986 with The Studio (Atelieret), short satirical comics about a group of frustrated young artists. In 1990, 50 years after the German occupation, Roland, Morten Hesseldahl and Henrik Rehr made five volumes of Denmark Occupied (Danmark Besat), each covering one year of the occupation. Since then Niels has concentrated on daily and weekly comics for Danish newspapers, in recent years mainly Weekendavisen.


Anders Lundh Hansen

Historian and science reporter attached to the danish broadsheet newspaper ’Weekendavisen’. He has published a handful of historical books in Danish, and runs the facebook-site “1000 Viking Facts”, which has more than 12.000 followers.


Lisbeth Imer

The resident runologist at the National Museum of Denmark is one of the world’s leading experts on runes. In addition to scores of peer reviewed research papers, she has also published the monographies “Peasants and Prayers” (2017), and in Danish ”Rigets runer”(2018) and ”Danmarks Runesten” (2016).




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