5 books
128 pages each
24.0 x 17.0 cm
Published in Danish.
Ages 6 and up
A man lonely on an island. A classic theme. But no one has made so many funny comic strips using this concept, as Rasmus Julius.
“Marooned” is a pantomime comic, so it is an easy read in every language and for all age groups.
Rasmus Julius was born in 1969. Has worked in the commercial business and has made funny strips since 2000. His comics have been published in newspapers and magazines in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Mexico, Venezuela and Costa Rica.
1 book
80 pages
23,0 x 31,5, hardcover
Published in Danish
Ages 13 and up.
A Slave in the Levant is a special one-shot story, telling the origin of Nofret. The book can be read independently of the rest of the series.
Nofret is captured by pirates and sold at the slave market in Byblos. She is forced to march through the desert of Syria and married to a rich, old merchant in Babylon.
Published in Denmark with two variant covers, one for the younger audience and one for older readers.
A 1983 graduate from the School of Applied Arts in Copenhagen, Sussi Bech is an award-winning cartoonist living in Denmark. Her most popular graphic novel is Nofret – 13 volumes so far – which stars a young Egyptian girl in the land of the pharaohs and combines her adventures with historically accurate depictions of ancient Egypt. Sussi Bech has won several awards for her work.
13 books
48-56 pages each
23.0 x 31.5 (hardcover) or 22.0 x 29.5 cm (softcover)
Published in Danish, Swedish, French, Dutch, Indonesian.
Ages 9 and up
One of the greatest graphic novel successes in Scandinavia. The Nofret series follows the exploits and travels of a girl in ancient Egypt: During the reign of Akhenaten, Nofret must free herself from slavery in Babylon, survive as a dancer in Mephis, fight against pirates in the Aegean Sea and intrigue with the temple priests in Luxor.
Book 13 »Tutankhamun« came out in the Spring of 2022 and brought the series to its final conclusion. In book 13 Pharaoh Akenaten’s reign comes to an end and a new pharaoh is hailed as King of Egypt.
»A Slave in the Levant« is a special one-shot story telling the origin of Nofret.
A 1983 graduate from the School of Applied Arts in Copenhagen, Sussi Bech is an award-winning cartoonist living in Denmark. Her most popular graphic novel is Nofret which stars a young Egyptian girl in the land of the pharaohs and combines her adventures with historically accurate depictions of ancient Egypt. Sussi Bech has won several awards for her work.
1 book
198 pages
17.0 x 24.0 cm
Author: Jesper Sichlau
Artist: Don Rosa
Don Rosa is one of the greatest and innovative Disney comic creators. In the same way as Uncle Scrooge has endured much to reach his goal, so has Rosa as he frankly tells about in the book. Filled with illustrations and photos.