1 book
52 pages, colour
16.0 x 23.0 cm.
Science for Kids: Learn about science – the fun way!
Join Little Bohr, Miss Lehmann and Professor Roland on a journey to Mars, on an expedition to the wildlife of the past or on a trip back to the beginning of the Universe.
Debut in 1986 with The Studio (Atelieret), short satirical comics about a group of frustrated young artists. In 1990, 50 years after the German occupation, Roland, Morten Hesseldahl and Henrik Rehr made five volumes of Denmark Occupied (Danmark Besat), each covering one year of the occupation. Since then Niels has concentrated on daily and weekly comics for Danish newspapers, in recent years mainly Weekendavisen.
3 books
78-66 pages
Book 4 is in production.
17,6 x 25,0 cm
Infection is a story of rage and revenge and is told through action and humour.
We get to meet Dave Blame on his way to destruction throughout vol. 1, 2 and 3 with more volumes coming.
A Danish comic artist and graphic designer, Casper’s published works include various newspaper strips and other anthology stories in Danish. He has been drawing comics for most of his life, but it is only recently that his work has been published in print. Infection has been a passion project for years now.
1 book, more underway
24 pages
21,0 x 24,0 cm
Published in Danish and Icelandic.
Silja is a little girl who likes to play a monster.
But even monsters get their teeth brushed, says her dad. But Silja doesn’t want that and one day, she turns into GoodSilja and eats her dad. No more toothbrushing.
Author of the Silja books and Danish translator of Mouse Guard and ApocalyptiGirl. Árni represents several Danish creators internationally.
3 books
68 pages
16.0 x 23.0 cm
Ages 6 years and up
Comet Kurt has his very own space rocket. He has a very cool job too. Kurt is a rocket delivery boy flying through outer space with his trusted robot dog Rex. A fun read for young school children – guaranteed to spark their imagination.
Danish Children’s author with 61 published books, translated into 21 languages. Morten has won several national book awards including “Skriverprisen”, from the Educational Ministry of Denmark. Titles in this catalogue: “Comet Kurt and Rex”, “The Whispers Game”, “Ivalu” and “Zenobia”.
Former product designer turns comics artist and illustrations activist. With a penchant for creating pictorial narratives with satirical bite and absurd humor, Patrick has cultivated animation, comics and picture books for children. His latest award-winning album has received rave reviews.