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Anders Brønserud

  • Otto in Aeternum


    1 book
    120 pages, b/w
    20.0 x 25.0 cm

    Age 6 years and up



    “Otto in Aeternum” is the 10th instalment of Otto and will be out in Denmark in the Spring of 2023 on Forlaget Forlæns.

    It consists of one-panel cartoons, four-panel strips, and six to eight-page episodes.


    Anders BrønserudAnders Brønserud

    Anders Brønserud is a danish comic book creator. His main work is the silent black and white strip Otto. Anders has been a part of the studio Gimle and is now working at Alfa, another artist’s studio in Copenhagen. He has made a living as an illustrator and graphic designer but is mainly doing his own comic book projects at the moment.




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