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Hans Christian Andersen

  • The Shadow


    1 book
    40 pages
    17.0 x 24.0



    Hans Christian Andersen’s little known eerie fairytale about a young scholar’s struggle with the dark side of his personality in a world that favours superficial glimmer and scandal over
    Written in 1847 the story is surprisingly relevant today.


    Ingo Milton Danish Comics Foreign RightsIngo Milton

    Graduate from Design School Kolding.
    Founding member of Gimle Studio in Copenhagen 1980.
    Since 2006 he has collaborated with national museums using comics to visualise the lives of people who went before us: Iron age tribes in East Jutland, Saints from Jacques de Compostella to Santa Claus, Seamen in the Caribbean, crusaders, carpenters and scientists alike.
    This work earned him the Hanne Hansen award in 2014.




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