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Henriette Westh

  • Dorthea’s Survivals


    10 books
    More books in production
    48 pages each
    29.5 x 22.0 cm
    Ages 9 and up


    Dortheas Survivals Henriette Westh Danish Comics Foreign RightsBook 1: The Death List
    Interpol agent Dorthea Bourgogne gets busy when Interpol discover that a deathlist exists on which Dorthea herself is next in line. Her investigation takes her to castles, dungeons, train roofs and house roofs before the mystery is solved.

    Dortheas Survivals Henriette Westh Danish Comics Foreign RightsBook 2: Lullaby
    Interpol agent Dorthea Bourgogne spots the face of an assassin that once tried to kill her.
    She goes undercover and is soon dangling from the ropes of a Viking ship before she identifies the assassin’s target and cracks the case.

    Dortheas Survivals Henriette Westh Danish Comics Foreign RightsBook 3: The Castle of Vultures
    The conclusion to the previous book, ”Lullaby”. Dorthea wakes up inside a castle tower after having been abducted. She immediately sets out to survive and overcome the culprits, applying various mines and leftover weapons as well as her trusted fist.

    Book 4: The Gates of Hell
    When Dorthea takes out her horse, Rinaldo, for an endurance ride in Turkmenistan, they encounter a very spooked horse. What happened? The incident takes Dorthea and her horse to the Karakum Desert and to the crater, ”The Gates of Hell”.

    Book 5: Phantasm
    Dorthea’s XO, Nicky, has a thundering headache. Dorthea soon realises that Nicky is suffering from more than just common pain. Time and aggressive villains are their enemies in their quest to find a cure before Nicky’s head turns to mush.

    Dorthea's Survivals 6 - Brat!Book 6: Brat!
    Four prequels from Dorthea’s past: 1 – BRAT! describes a pivotal time in her childhood when she encounters a certain Interpol agent for the first time; 2 – Ruh Inche Altyn Dogry concerns her education as an Interpol agent; 3 – The Affair of the Baroness is about how she met the Baron and the Baroness; and finally The Specialist is about how she was appointed a special team.

    Book 7: Zoo
    Dorthea and her team have to cut short a recreational weekend when they are called in to investigate the disappearance of a colleague. The case brings them to a zoo in Toronto where Dorthea goes undercover as a zookeeper. Apart from birthing giraffes and horny silverbacks, she also encounters a particularly aggressive Siberian tiger and the most vicious species of all: humans!

    Book 8: Blood Ties
    What is Dorthea doing on the back of Saint Peter? And sporting a shiny desert eagle instead of a key? She is probably pondering about that question herself. Dorthea’s Interpol colleague, Belle, appears to have joined a cult based in Rome. What possessed her do that? Dorthea and the rest of the team travel to Rome and are soon in direct confrontation with statues, aggressive cult leaders and even the Vatican.

    Book 9: The Revenge of Ding-Dong
    A dangerous criminal escapes from prison, hellbent on revenge. Dorthea and her team were the agents who put him away and their lives and the lives of their friends and family are now in imminent danger. Will they succeed in bagging Ding Dong before it is too late? Or will the world dissolve in explosives and flames?

    Book 10: 10
    Interpol sends Dorthea and her team Last Chance off to Ireland to investigate the disapperance of two agents, who had gone undercover in the smuggling business. The leads take them to the Faroe Islands where Dorthea slowly realises that the case is connected to her own deceased nd then it becomes personal. Very personal!

    Book 11: Last Chance
    When Interpol agent, Nicky, suddenly disappears, Dorthea is quick to follow her colleague’s trail to Brazil where Nicky has been looking into a shady business that involves a hospital and sharp scalpels. Will she manage to find her friend before he loses more than his mind?


    Henriette Westh Danish Comics Foreign RightsHenriette Westh

    Born 1963, autodidact artist with an affinity for comics. In 1988, her first professional comic book, “Hamlet 5. akt, scene 2” was published by Bogfabrikken. In 2020 she rekindled her old comics character, Dorthea, and created a full story of 44 pages and established her own publishing house. Henriette is constantly working on new comic books, and she has no intention of stopping any time soon.

    Henriette Westh webpage



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