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The Foreign Rights Portal of The Danish Guild of Professional Comics Artists and Writers. We present you with a wide variety of available properties and artistic styles. Please feel free to contact the individual proterty owners in case you find something of interest.
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Tatiana Goldberg

  • Anima


    1 books
    104 pages
    16.5 x 24.0 cm (wide format)
    Ages 13 and up.



    Anima is a psychological horror story about a young man trying to fight off a strange biological infection. But not everything is at it seems. Anima was nominated for the Ping-award for best Danish comic debut 2014 and the Danish horror award for literature.


    Tatiana Goldberg Danish Comics Foreign RightsTatiana Goldberg

    Writer and artist of the award-winning comic book series Kijara as well as a licensed psychologist using her skills in the creation of characters and stories. Tatiana teaches comics and character design for kids, teens and adults. Her psychological horror comic Anima, was nominated for the Ping award for best Danish debut in 2014 as well as shortlisted for the Danish horror award for literature.



  • Hour of Need


    1 book
    176 pages
    15,2 x 21,6 cm
    Ages 13 and up.

    Published in USA



    “Hour of Need – The Daring Escape of the Danish Jews During World War II”

    When the Nazis move to round up young Mette and her fellow Danish Jews in a surprise raid in 1943 after years of letting Denmark rule its people, her father must make life and death decisions to save his family.


    Ralph Shayne

    An entrepreneur and finance professional, and the son of a mother who was a Danish citizen until she married an American and immigrated to the United States in the 1960s. Born and raised in Chicago, his mere existence is predicated on being the offspring of a mother who was part of the one in ten European Jewish children to survive the War because of the rare bravery, compassion and exploits of her fellow Danish citizens.



    Tatiana Goldberg

    Tatiana Goldberg, born 1981. Illustrator and author. Creator of the award winning graphic novel series Kijara as well as award nominated graphic novel Anima. Teaches comics and character design.



  • Kijara


    4 books
    80-96 pages each
    Book 4 out in Spring 2024
    5 more books planned
    20.0 x 28.0 cm



    The Kijara comics take place in a united European Union where genetic modification is common and people with illegal modifications are deported to camps.

    Kijara is illegally modified herself and forced to work for a special police unit dealing with genetic crime.


    Tatiana Goldberg

    Tatiana Goldberg, born 1981. Illustrator and author. Creator of the award winning graphic novel series Kijara as well as award nominated graphic novel Anima.

    Teaches comics and character design.




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