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Far Below Zero



1 book
160 pages, colour
18.0 x 24.5 cm



A group of Scandinavian hunters carried out a remarkable operation in WW2. Using dogsleds, their mission was to guard the Greenland coast and protect weather stations for the allies. A battalion of 18 nazi soldiers landed and the battle began.

Publication: Autumn 2025


Craig Frank

Born in 1961, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Moved to Denmark in the late ’80s. Graduated with a BFA and has worked in animation. Has directed several animated films (JOURNEY to SATURN) and has created several graphic novels. JFK Secret OPS and COOL VALLEY.


Troels Rasmussen

Born in Denmark in 1967, educated as a historian. Worked many years as a researcher and has written several historical books. Today Troels works as a historian in a large international company and has worked together with Craig Frank on many animated projects.



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