1 book
72 pages
21.0 x 21.0 cm
Germania is about the Iron Age and has been created in cooperation with the Danish National Museum and Forlaget Faraos. You´ll follow the Cimbric warrior Hariuha as a mercenary at the roman Limes and Danish warlord.
Eric Knipper lives in Copenhagen. His comics have been published in newspapers and book form: Twilight, Nørrebronx 1-2, Germania (with the National Museum of Denmark) and Berserker. He has contributed to several comics anthologies in Denmark and Australia.
1 book
48 pages
21.0 x 28.5 cm
Author: Thomas Schrøder
Artists: Sleejure, Peder Riis, Ingvild Marie Methi, Simon P., EGO and Maria Petersen
All human have sexual fantasies – it’s a part of human nature. Many people just let their fantasies stay fantasies, while others make their fantasies become real. Thomas Schrøder has let the fantasies run wild and explorerers everything from SM to gangbang.
1 book
72 pages
24.0 x 17.0 cm
Sold to: France, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Korea.
Ages 9 and up
Playing ”pass the message” at school was a lot of fun for Vera and her friends. Then the quiet, new girl Anna joined the game. She whispered: ‘My mom hits me’. The Whispers Game is a comic book about girls making themselves heard.
Born in 1992. Cartoonist and illustrator. Graduated with a BA in Graphic Storytelling from The Animation Workshop in 2017.
Danish Children’s author with 57 published books. Translated into 20 languages. Current bestseller is the graphic novel, Zenobia.
1 book
Graphic picture book w/ linecut illustrations
Published in English and Spanish
21.5 x 30.0 cm (wide)
A girl’s shadow becomes jealous and runs away to The Shadow Island. A place where shadows go when they get tired of their owners. The girl follows her shadow through thick and thin in order to bring it back home.
Grew up in Denmark, Colombia and Hong Kong. Graduated from Design School Kolding. Working with illustration for children, paintings, drawings and graphics.