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Thomas Schrøder

  • Cousin Gross’ (dis)tasteful monstercookbook


    2 books
    88 pages
    21.0 x 28.0 cm

    Ages 6 years and up



    The Underworld’s leading chef, good old Cousin Gross, has gathered 30 of the most terrifying monsters and their favourite dishes in the most (dis)tasteful cookbook the world has ever seen. The book was heavily covered on national Danish tv, radio and magazines when it came out.

    Book 2

    In 2021 came the follow-up, Cousin Gross’ (dis)tasteful gluten-free and lactose-free monstercookbook.

    Published digitally on Fairytell app in Sweden and Germany.


    Thomas Schrøder Danish Comics Foreign RightsThomas Schrøder

    Author of the series ”Cousin Gross’ monstercookbook” and ”The Impossibles” and author of ”What ever turns you on”, translator and Disney-expert.


    Niels Voss Boldvig Danish Comics Foreign RightsNiels Voss Boldvig

    Author and illustrator of children’s books.
    Artist of The Impossibles.



  • The Impossibles


    3 books
    24 pages each
    Book 4 in production (Spring 2021)
    24,0 x 33,8 cm



    Swarming-find things-book made as doublepage spreads Escher drawings. The characters are just as crazy as their twisted surroundings.
    Besides the task of finding things, there is a story you can read out loud. And at the end there are additional puzzles.

    Published digitally on Fairytell app in Sweden and Germany.


    Thomas Schrøder Danish Comics Foreign RightsThomas Schrøder

    Author of Cousin Gross’ monstercookbook and The Impossibles.
    Translator and Disney-expert.


    Niels Voss Boldvig Danish Comics Foreign RightsNiels Voss Boldvig

    Author and illustrator of children’s books.
    Artist of The Impossibles.



  • What Ever Turns You On


    1 book
    48 pages
    21.0 x 28.5 cm



    Author: Thomas Schrøder
    Artists: Sleejure, Peder Riis, Ingvild Marie Methi, Simon P., EGO and Maria Petersen

    All human have sexual fantasies – it’s a part of human nature. Many people just let their fantasies stay fantasies, while others make their fantasies become real. Thomas Schrøder has let the fantasies run wild and explorerers everything from SM to gangbang.



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