3 books, 48 pages each
1 book, 36 pages (short stories)
22,0 x 29,5 cm
Ages 9 and up
The adventures of the explorer Kurt Dunder combine fun and adventure as the scientist, his friend Bill, and the chimpanzee Attila confront dangers the world over, from expeditions to the dark heart of Africa to the secret societies of the Tyrol peaks through the ice-covered riddles of Greenland. Entertainment for children and adults alike.
A creator of children’s books and graphic novels – notably the adventures of Kurt Dunder – Frank Madsen is an award-winning cartoonist and three times Best Danish Comics Author nominée. Author of the weekly satirical cartoon Eks Libris since 2010.
Frank has also written the popular picture books for children Snus Mus about a mouse detective, with illustrations by Sussi Bech. The books were published in Chile in 2018 and more are in production.
18 books
48 pages each
22.0 x 29.5 cm
The series is about a family of dragons and their problems with living in modern society. They get into trouble with other characters who have other plans for the town. Plans which will suit their personal interests more.
Currently, Fantagraphics is releasing the Gnuff series in the United States. So far two books, each containing three stories have been released.
Comics artist and writer. Has worked with the European editions of Donald Duck and Woody Woodpecker. Gnuff (aka The Dragons) and Villiam are two of his own comics creations.
Since the start of his career in the 1970s, he has worked for Danish, Swedish and Dutch comics publishers. During the 2010s he has also acted as a novelist.
4 books
80-96 pages each
Book 4 out in Spring 2024
5 more books planned
20.0 x 28.0 cm
The Kijara comics take place in a united European Union where genetic modification is common and people with illegal modifications are deported to camps.
Kijara is illegally modified herself and forced to work for a special police unit dealing with genetic crime.
Tatiana Goldberg, born 1981. Illustrator and author. Creator of the award winning graphic novel series Kijara as well as award nominated graphic novel Anima.
Teaches comics and character design.
2 books (48 pages each) or 1 book (96 pages)
23.0 x 31.5 (hardcover) or 22.0 x 29.5 cm (softcover)
Published in Danish, French, Dutch, German. Rights sold to Estonia.
Ages 9 and up.
Cairo 1922. With a handful of friends, the belly dancer Aida Nur locates an old Egyptian tomb. Through her contacts, she tries for an easy escape from poverty by selling its antique treasures on the black market. But the news of the intact vault attracts all kinds of greedy types without scruples – from the nightclub owner Mohassib to the 7th Earl of Curmudgeon.
A period crime story.
During 2021/22 Aida Nur was published in the German ZACK Magazin. For this occasion, the complete Aida Nur series was rescanned from the original drawings & colourings and digitally restored and embellished by Sussi Bech. This new edition was published in Denmark September 2023.
A 1983 graduate from the School of Applied Arts in Copenhagen, Sussi Bech is an award-winning cartoonist living in Denmark. Her most popular graphic novel is Nofret – 13 volumes so far – which stars a young Egyptian girl in the land of the pharaohs and combines her adventures with historically accurate depictions of ancient Egypt. Sussi Bech has won several awards for her work.