1 book
52 pages, colour
16.0 x 23.0 cm.
Science for Kids: Learn about science – the fun way!
Join Little Bohr, Miss Lehmann and Professor Roland on a journey to Mars, on an expedition to the wildlife of the past or on a trip back to the beginning of the Universe.
Debut in 1986 with The Studio (Atelieret), short satirical comics about a group of frustrated young artists. In 1990, 50 years after the German occupation, Roland, Morten Hesseldahl and Henrik Rehr made five volumes of Denmark Occupied (Danmark Besat), each covering one year of the occupation. Since then Niels has concentrated on daily and weekly comics for Danish newspapers, in recent years mainly Weekendavisen.
3 books
32 pages in colour
14.5 x 21.0 cm
The SUPER SERIES is an EASY-READER comics series aimed at the early readers in primary school. The stories are self-contained SUPER HERO stories with action and super powers.
Available markets: Denmark, Sweden and Norway are considering.
Jan Kjær was born 1971 in Denmark and is an award-winning writer and illustrator.
After high school, he served his apprenticeship as a Graphic Designer and worked for LEGO a few years before moving to America to attend ‘The Kubert School’ comic book in New Jersey. After graduating, Jan moved to Los Angeles and worked as a storyboard- and concept artist for three years for different Hollywood productions companies
In 2002, he moved back to Denmark and continued working for LEGO, doing illustrations and story development for lines such as BIONICLE and LEGO STAR WARS.
In 2004 Jan decided to try his hand at writing and illustrating his own stories. He has now written 70 books and comics, and his work has been published in 15 countries.
3 books
32 pages in colour
14.5 x 21.0 cm
The TAYNIMA EASY-READER comic series is aimed at the early readers in primary school. The stories take place in a fantasy universe, and each short story in self-contained.
Jan Kjær was born 1971 in Denmark and is an award winning writer and illustrator.
After high school, he served his apprenticeship as a Graphic Designer and worked for LEGO a few years before moving to America to attend ‘The Kubert School’ comic book in New Jersey. After graduating, Jan moved to Los Angeles and worked as a storyboard- and concept artist for three years for different Hollywood productions companies
In 2002, he moved back to Denmark and continued working for LEGO, doing illustrations and story development for lines such as BIONICLE and LEGO STAR WARS.
In 2004 Jan decided to try his hand at writing and illustrating his own stories. He has now written 70 books and comics, and his work has been published in 15 countries.
18 books
48 pages each
22.0 x 29.5 cm
The series is about a family of dragons and their problems with living in modern society. They get into trouble with other characters who have other plans for the town. Plans which will suit their personal interests more.
Currently, Fantagraphics is releasing the Gnuff series in the United States. So far two books, each containing three stories have been released.
Comics artist and writer. Has worked with the European editions of Donald Duck and Woody Woodpecker. Gnuff (aka The Dragons) and Villiam are two of his own comics creations.
Since the start of his career in the 1970s, he has worked for Danish, Swedish and Dutch comics publishers. During the 2010s he has also acted as a novelist.