1 book
104 pages, colour
18.5 x 18.7 cm
Ages 12 years and up
With lighthearted humor, this book depicts life with anxiety from a personal point of view.
The comicstrips are easy to understand and a safe and loving place for anxious people to relate to, and for non-anxious people to better understand.
Danish illustrator and graphic designer.
Creator of Teeny Tiny Comics, a series of relatable and funny comicstrips on social media, based on personal life.
1 book
30 pages
Book 2 in production
23.0 x 23.0 cm
Ages 4 and up
Wordless stories about everyday events that turn into small adventures.
In book 1, Beetle and Bear go for a walk at night, so Beetle can pee before he goes to sleep.
We follow their walk in the cosy and imaginative city, looking for just the right tree.
Peter Hermann is a Danish artist who loves to mix elements of comic books and children’s books, drawn in a loose and colourful style.
He was educated at the Kubert School in the USA and at Designskolen Kolding in Denmark.
3 books
68 pages
16.0 x 23.0 cm
Ages 6 years and up
Comet Kurt has his very own space rocket. He has a very cool job too. Kurt is a rocket delivery boy flying through outer space with his trusted robot dog Rex. A fun read for young school children – guaranteed to spark their imagination.
Danish Children’s author with 61 published books, translated into 21 languages. Morten has won several national book awards including “Skriverprisen”, from the Educational Ministry of Denmark. Titles in this catalogue: “Comet Kurt and Rex”, “The Whispers Game”, “Ivalu” and “Zenobia”.
Former product designer turns comics artist and illustrations activist. With a penchant for creating pictorial narratives with satirical bite and absurd humor, Patrick has cultivated animation, comics and picture books for children. His latest award-winning album has received rave reviews.
18 books
48 pages each
22.0 x 29.5 cm
The series is about a family of dragons and their problems with living in modern society. They get into trouble with other characters who have other plans for the town. Plans which will suit their personal interests more.
Currently, Fantagraphics is releasing the Gnuff series in the United States. So far two books, each containing three stories have been released.
Comics artist and writer. Has worked with the European editions of Donald Duck and Woody Woodpecker. Gnuff (aka The Dragons) and Villiam are two of his own comics creations.
Since the start of his career in the 1970s, he has worked for Danish, Swedish and Dutch comics publishers. During the 2010s he has also acted as a novelist.