5 books
128 pages each
24.0 x 17.0 cm
Published in Danish.
Ages 6 and up
A man lonely on an island. A classic theme. But no one has made so many funny comic strips using this concept, as Rasmus Julius.
“Marooned” is a pantomime comic, so it is an easy read in every language and for all age groups.
Rasmus Julius was born in 1969. Has worked in the commercial business and has made funny strips since 2000. His comics have been published in newspapers and magazines in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Mexico, Venezuela and Costa Rica.
3 books
44 pages each
Black & white
29.5 x 21.0 cm
Ages 12 and up
1920’s Copenhagen – a roaring, thriving metropolis and Bolette Hansen, crime novelist, is struggling with her latest novel.
A chance meeting with a stranger sets events in motion and thrusts Ms Hansen into the criminal underworld of the Danish capital.
Born in 1953. Paul Arne Kring is a theatre scenographer, puppet designer and comics artist. In 1969 he had his first story with Weneetryhl published in Denmark, and in recent years three more stories have come from his talented hands. His detective stories with Bolette Hansen was published weekly in the Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet.
3 books, 48 pages each
1 book, 36 pages (short stories)
22,0 x 29,5 cm
Ages 9 and up
The adventures of the explorer Kurt Dunder combine fun and adventure as the scientist, his friend Bill, and the chimpanzee Attila confront dangers the world over, from expeditions to the dark heart of Africa to the secret societies of the Tyrol peaks through the ice-covered riddles of Greenland. Entertainment for children and adults alike.
A creator of children’s books and graphic novels – notably the adventures of Kurt Dunder – Frank Madsen is an award-winning cartoonist and three times Best Danish Comics Author nominée. Author of the weekly satirical cartoon Eks Libris since 2010.
Frank has also written the popular picture books for children Snus Mus about a mouse detective, with illustrations by Sussi Bech. The books were published in Chile in 2018 and more are in production.
1 book
56 pages
19.5 x 25.0 cm
From 10 years+
Rasmus loses his parents in a car crash but discovers the existence of a multiverse of infinite possibilities and goes on a search for a world in which his parents could still be alive.
Script by Lars Kramhøft. Art by Tom Kristensen.
Lars Kramhøft (born 1984).
Graduate from The Animation Workshop 2011.
Award-winning Danish graphic novelist, children’s book author & illustrator.
Born in 1982. Tom Kristensen is an illustrator and occasionally award-winning comic creator. Graduated from Design School Kolding in 2012.