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The Foreign Rights Portal of The Danish Guild of Professional Comics Artists and Writers. We present you with a wide variety of available properties and artistic styles. Please feel free to contact the individual proterty owners in case you find something of interest.
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Category / News

Claus Deleuran Awards 2022

The annual Claus Deleuran Awards were handed out during a ceremony in central Copenhagen on the first Saturday of December. The award pays tribute to the best Danish achievements in comics in the past year. In 2021 they were: Best Danish Comic 2021 ‘PUNK LIFE CRISIS’ The award went to Simon Petersen for his hilarious...

Meet us at FIBD Angoulême 2023

  Meet us in Angoulême: Again we will attend The Angoulême International Rights Market in January. Please stop by our booth (RL15) from Wednesday to Saturday or contact us in advance to arrange a meeting. We will bring our new printed 2023 catalogue and have sample copies of all our titles. See you in Angoulême!

The Cuban Fall: My Work Process

Artist Henrik Rehr recollects his work on the graphic novel “The Cuban Fall”: An Agent for Communist Cuba “My friend Morten used to come to New York City, where I live, once a year to be a judge on the Emmy Awards, and when he was in town, we always took a long walk in...

The story behind Cousin Gross’ (dis)tasteful monster cookbook

In 2017, Thomas Schrøder began working on Fætter Klams (u)lækre monsterkogebog (in English: Cousin Gross’ (dis)tasteful monster cookbook). A cookbook inspired by classic EC horror comics The cookbook was a tribute to EC’s horror comics and a way for him to combine his favourite monsters with his personal favourite food. Each monster is carefully paired...

Beetle and Bear: Bedtime Comics for Small Children

  Beetle and Bear is a series of wordless stories about daily events that turn into extraordinary adventures. Bedtime stories It started as a bedtime story I told my son when he was a little kid. Every night I would make up a new little adventure for the two characters to go on. And every...

From Socio-Critical Satire to Sci-Fi for Children

In just two years we have seen two highly different works from the pen of illustrator Patrick Steptoe: The ‘socio & eco critical’ collection of wordless graphic short stories in Repulsive Attraction and the children’s comic Comet Kurt & Rex about an intergalactic post-delivery boy and his robot dog. We asked Patrick to describe the...

Coming of Age in Rural Denmark

We had a talk with writer/artist Christer Bøgh Andersen about his new graphic novel The song we didn’t know, a story about family relationships, jealousy and desire. — What is ‘The song we didn’t know’ about? — The story is about the 15-year old narrator Jannick, who lives in a rural area in Northern Jutland...
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