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Ivalu and Whispers Game out in Colombia, Italy and Korea

Ivalu and Whispers Game out in Colombia, Italy and Korea

Author Morten Dürr‘s two bestselling comics titles Ivalu and The Whispers Game have been on a roll internationally this May:

The Whispers Game

May 10th the Italian edition of Whispers Game was published in Italy by Mondadori, translated from Danish to Italian by Eva Valvo.

The Whispers Game is a comic book about girls making themselves heard. Playing ”pass the message” at school was a lot of fun for Vera and her friends. Then the quiet, new girl Anna joined the game. She whispered: ‘My mom hits me’.

Also the Korean edition is nearing publication. Dürr published the cover on his facebook page later the same month:


Also, Morten Dürr’s and artist Lars Horneman‘s highly acclaimed graphic novel Ivalu came out in Colombia this May, published by Cangrejo Editores based in Bogotá.

Ivalu is a story from remote Greenland about sexual abuse and suicide among children and young adults. A young girl suddenly has to face the horrible realities of incest and suicide, when her older sister Ivalu disappears.

“Ivalu” was adapted for a short movie by director Anders Walter, that premiered in 2023 and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Movie – watch the trailer here.

Ivalu and Zenobia are the first two books in a series about children’s rights around the world.


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