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The Foreign Rights Portal of The Danish Guild of Professional Comics Artists and Writers. We present you with a wide variety of available properties and artistic styles. Please feel free to contact the individual proterty owners in case you find something of interest.
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Category / News

From Henrik Rehr’s Desk in New York City

In the fall of 2020, Henrik Rehr’s 160-page graphic novel Leon et Sofia Tolstoi was published in France. The script was written by Chantal van den Heuvel and the publisher was Editions Futuropolis. Leon et Sofia Tolstoi is scheduled to come out in Danish from Forlaget Fahrenheit in the spring of 2021. Fahrenheit was also the...

DANISH COMICS at Angoulême 2021

As this year’s edition of the Angoulême International Comics Festival will be an online event, so will the Angoulême Rights Market. Danske Tegneserieskabere will, of course, be present on the online platform for buying and selling rights internationally. Browse through our catalogue online and contact us via the networking platform. We’re looking forward to seeing...

Freddy Milton’s GNUFF Series to be Released in the US

This April, Fantagraphics will begin releasing the Gnuff series in the United States, starting with a compilation that contains the first three stories. The Great Technowhiz The series is about a family of dragons and their problems with living in modern society. They get into trouble with other characters who have other plans for the...
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