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The Foreign Rights Portal of The Danish Guild of Professional Comics Artists and Writers. We present you with a wide variety of available properties and artistic styles. Please feel free to contact the individual proterty owners in case you find something of interest.
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My Process: Linocut Graphic Picture Books

Inger-Lise Kristoffersen describes the remarkable linocutting process behind her silent graphic picture books The Girl in Search of her Shadow and The Man, the Fly and the Unruly Girl and how they got published in Columbia: The progress of doing a silent graphic picture book I begin by writing an “illustration synopsis” of ideas I...

Crossing Borders with Children’s Graphic Novels

  “Do not even think about selling foreign rights before you have a bestseller!” This was something Morten Dürr was told by a major Danish publisher when he first started writing fiction for children 20 years ago. The publisher was just repeating what was common sense at the time. If your book had not sold...

Studio Visit: Creating a digital Dorthea

In just three years Danish artist Henriette Westh has written and drawn five 48-page books with her female hero, Interpol agent Dorthea Bourgogne, whose investigations takes her to castles, dungeons, train roofs and house roofs before the mysteries are solved. More books are underway. We have asked Henriette to tell us about her work routines...

Infection; The Green Plague and Vaccines for the Wealthy

Infection & Vaccines for the Wealthy Casper Sand is a Danish graphics designer with a big passion for comics. He has been drawing most of his life and loves to tell stories through this specific medium. His work has been featured in various magazines and anthologies throughout the years, but finally, it is possible to...

Freddy Milton on his Nuft Series from Fantagraphics

Currently, Fantagraphics is releasing the Gnuff series in the United States. So far two books, each containing three stories have been released. Danish author/artist Freddy Milton explains: “Forty years ago Fantagraphics wanted to publish a monthly magazine with funny animals, Critters. The editor was of Danish origin, and he liked European comics. Since I was...

Overview: The New Comics Titles 2021/22

Our new Danish Comics 2022 Foreign Rights catalogue is now available for download in PDF format. 84 pages divided into sections of Mainstream Comics, Graphic Novels, Family & Children and Picture Books. Lots of new titles in 2021/22 We present 21 fresh titles for your consideration. Please click on the covers to read more and...
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